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Frequent questions

Here's a list of frequently asked questions and answers for Ecuador. If you have questions that are not in this list, you will thank you if you make us by email, using the form in our contact section and ask for a response to your inquiry.

Without travel to Ecuador, can I buy land, property, commercial property, vehicle or any property that requires preparation of a deed duly registered with Ecuadorian authorities ?

Yes, you can do it from your country of residence sending a power of attorney (duly apostilled or legalized and if you are in a foreign language must be translated into Castilian language and equally apostille or legalized) in favor of a person of high confidence, this will represent you in all necessary diligence in order to improve the transfer of ownership of the property you want to purchase in your name. This particular power should be performed by the competent authority, that is, it can be done at the Consulate of Ecuador closest to your residence or Notary Public in the country of residence.

As counsel is instructed that it is better to ask a trusted attorney licensed in Ecuador, to send via email the respective bill, which is ultimately, the draft text to be included in the special power, so that later does not have any disadvantages for lack of formality required for improving the transfer of ownership of the property to be subject to the sale.

Why some documents that will need to be used in Ecuador, must be apostilled or legalized, and what is the difference between one and the other?

It's simple, the Ecuadorian authorities to validate a loan granted by a foreign public authority document requires that the document has been certified in the country of origin, for that reason, if you reside in a country that has signed the Convention of the Hague Apostille ", you must I apostillarlo and which ultimately is to place a certification giving validity to it for use in another country, and if the country of residence is not part of this Agreement, it must legalize before the Consulate of Ecuador nearest to their place of residence, and if any, must legalize before the concurrent Ecuadorian Consulate, ie it is in another country but that the Ecuadorian legislation has designated as concurrent Consulate (alternate) to legalize the required document. If your case is the latter, you are advised to call first to the Consulate to apply the relevant appointment and if you have any questions, do it.

An Ecuadorian partner is required to establish a company in Ecuador?

You can not be a company subject to the control of the Superintendency of Companies and Securities, exclusively with foreign partners, stating only the type of investment made. We can assist you in setting up the type of company that best suits your requirements, in order to boost their profits while meeting applicable legislation.

Similarly, if you have a company incorporated abroad and requires undertake any activities in Ecuadorian territory, we can advise to establish a branch in the country and legally represent as agents to the competent authorities.

Do I need to be Ecuadorian citizen or legal resident to open a personal or business bank account for me?

There needs to be an Ecuadorian citizen, but required to have the certificate of registration issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, depending on your specific circumstances, we can assist you in opening a personal bank account tailored to their needs.

Similarly, if your company requires opening a bank account, we will advise you on all the necessary structure for that purpose.

Can I set up a company in Ecuador with one partner?

Depending on the type of company, whether it is a corporation or limited company requires minimum two shareholders or partners, but may subsequently survive with just one.

What is the type of company or most appropriate company for a foreigner in Ecuador? What is the most used?

Basically there are two types of companies, the first is the limited liability, it is characterized as a partnership with closed capital requires unanimous approval of all partners to allow entry of a new one; and secondly, called anonymous or Capitalists, its main feature is the flexibility to transfer or movement of their actions do not require any authorization. In any case, we can advise you to determine the best legal concept that protects their interests and investment.

I'm a foreigner and want to know if in Ecuador I can set up a company with the same business name that I use in my home country?

You can book the name of the company to be constituted in Ecuador, provided that the name is available, that is, that is not being used by another company that is very similar or induces confusion. We always recommend to determine the feasibility supervisory approval required name.

Can I set up a company in Ecuador, just to export?

In Ecuador should be a company with a unique object covering all activities related to that object, therefore, may well be a company dedicated to export other activities that integrate its supply chain.

Should I have an address in Ecuador to open a company?

Yes to establish a company in Ecuador necessarily must be located and a legal representative for all purposes, both tax and legal.

Do I have to hire employees?

You are not required to hire employees, you can be a sole proprietorship. However, it must necessarily join the IESS, at least there should be a contributor, whether an employee or manager.

Do I have to hire an accountant?

Every company is required to maintain accounting records from its registration in the Internal Revenue Service, with the exception of the case. If it comes to natural persons must keep accounts whenever any of the following conditions are met:

Start with a net worth over USD 60,000
Have annual gross revenues of its economic activity, the preceding fiscal year, over USD 100,000
Please costs and annual expenses of their business the previous fiscal year, exceeding USD 80,000.
If you are engaged in export activities as an individual, regardless of value, must keep accounting records.

Is there in Ecuador any official body authorizes the issuance of bills as in my country?

Once the company register with the Internal Revenue Service, for the RUC, request invoices for any printing or graphic entity authorized.

Do I want to buy assets, I do as a company or I can make the transaction as a person?

Our legal-tax services are designed to properly advise, provided for this purpose with the applicable legislation.

Is a visa required to start a business in Ecuador?

Yes, to form a company subject to supervision by the Superintendency of Companies must obtain an investor visa, we specialize in properly structuring all aspects of their investment.

I am a foreigner and one of my grandfathers was Ecuadorian, can I be Ecuadorian?

Yes, you are reminded that Ecuador between one of the principles of nationality provides for the right to "ius sanguinis" known, which is to grant the right to obtain Ecuadorian nationality to be an alien offspring of parents and / or grandparents Ecuadorians. This procedure is exclusive of the Civil Registry and Identification of Ecuador.

I am abroad and want to make the process of obtaining the Ecuadorian nationality but unfortunately one of the documents they request me is the birth of my home country, the same can not get as due to various wars in my country and it disappeared and for that reason I can not present it. What can I do?

Yes, there is an exception granted by the "Supreme Decree 759" of September 15, 1975, as an extra test that allows making a statement sworn before a Notary Public of Ecuador, with all elements of the birth certificate, provided the country origin of the person required to file this document was or is involved in a great internal commotion, war or public institution which should provide this document can not do it for any reason or disappeared found.

I am abroad and wish to obtain Ecuadorian nationality through "Letter of Naturalization" and enter one of the requirements that must be fulfilled, not having been absent more than 90 days in the first 3 years since I got my first identity card. Unfortunately, exceeding this time, is there an exception?

Yes, there are two exceptions, those that relate to had to leave for reasons of education or for health reasons. In both cases, you must present documents supporting both the educational institution, and the institution of Health, and the same shall be duly apostilled or legalized, as appropriate.

A public official may decline to receive my application in any subject, because it says that do not meet all the requirements?

No, under the "right of petition" has anyone in Ecuador, this can have any application to public entities, but has not completed all the formalities of the case, the same as the receive for the respective analysis and subsequently report the applicant itself follows its course, requires full or has been denied.

I am Ecuadorian who live outside our country, I can not return to our land and testify of urgency to present a procedure for my police record Ecuadorian What do you advise me to get it duly legalized?

Simple, the Ecuadorian consular officer accredited abroad, is at the service of its with-national, in this sense, approach the nearest Consulate of Ecuador and request your duly authenticated police record, once the Consulate has access to documents certifying Ecuadorian authorities and once this certificate is available online by the Ministry of the Interior of Ecuador, they can print, certify its authenticity and legalize it to be used in the country where you are.

I am an Ecuadorian mother living in our country and that I have a minor child whose father lives abroad and does not serve him in his financial needs. Can I do something about it?

Yes, all Ecuadorian child has the right to grow in a healthy, loving and with their loved ones. In your particular case, your partner to be father of her child has a legal and moral obligation to contribute financially to the emotional, physical and educational development of their child, as such, is not justification that is in foreign country not least contribute economically and to this end, there is domestic and foreign policy to establish appropriate legal action in order to force your partner to fulfill its obligations as a parent.

Para cualquier duda o requerimiento de nuestros servicios, por favor ingrese su consulta legal aquí.

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